The Human Chameleon offers a variety of creative products and services in the fashion and costume worlds. These include the design and creation of DIGITAL FASHION, MILLINERY, ACCESSORIES, PROPS, COSTUMES and CHARACTERS. As well as BACKSTAGE and BEHIND THE SCENES services for photo shoots, runways, film and theatre productions.


Kristine Walker is a creative chameleon with a business background. She has experience working in a variety of industries including fashion, design, arts and entertainment.

Despite having a background in the performing arts, Kristine never thought that her enduring love of fashion and costume would actually lead to a creative career. However after graduating university with a Business degree, followed by what many considered ‘real jobs' in both Australia and overseas, Kristine decided it was time to stop daydreaming and start doing.

Kristine quit her job and studied Millinery while undertaking an intensive internship. In 2014, not long after she completed her studies, The Human Chameleon was launched.

“I took a risk, barely slept and ate a lot of toast for dinner but thankfully it paid off!”

Since its launch, Kristine has completed studies in Costume for Performance and seen one creative opportunity lead to another, while The Human Chameleon has continued to grow. In addition to it’s initial millinery offering, The Human Chameleon now offers a variety of creative products and services in both the fashion and costume worlds!